202.505.6631 [email protected]
areas of practice
collection defense

At Swift Law North, we understand that falling behind on your credit card payments—or other types of consumer debts—can be a harrowing experience.  More often than not, an untimely illness, job loss, or even divorce can impact a consumer’s ability to re-pay certain debts.  Unfortunately, such personal hardships do not stop collection agencies, credit card companies, and junk debt buyers from suing thousands of consumers like you every day.  In such a trying time, it has never been more important to have a firm representing you with a proven track record in protecting your legal rights in all areas encompassing consumer law. Swift Law North will fight for your rights under state and federal law, including the Florida Consumer Collections Practices Act (FCCPA), the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA), and the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA).  We are committed to diligently defending your rights while ensuring protection from illegal, abusive, and harassing debt collection and credit reporting practices.

Consumer law is complex, and creditors and debt collectors often violate state and federal protections that give consumers like you a fighting chance.  The good news is that credit card lawsuits are often rife with errors, falsehoods, and obsolete information.  Moreover, debt collectors and their attorneys often unlawfully file such lawsuits after the expiration of the statute of limitations in the hopes of obtaining a default judgment.  In fact, their entire business model is based on you not understanding your rights nor challenging them.  As most credit card and collection lawsuits go uncontested, many cases result in garnished wages or bank accounts.  Do not fall victim to this vicious cycle.  Debt collectors and their attorneys will only respond to strength; therefore, hire a law firm with the expertise and grit to take the fight to corporate wrongdoers every day.  

If you have been served with a credit card or junk debt buyer lawsuit, do not delay.  You must respond to the lawsuit within twenty days, and Swift Law North is here to develop an individualized strategy that best fits your needs and budget.  In some situations, we may be able to get your case dismissed entirely with the debt completely forgiven.  In other cases, we will seek to negotiate an agreement where you settle the debt for far less than your original balance.  If we discover, however, that the debt collector and/or their attorneys violated the law or cannot prove their case, we may even be able to recover damages and attorneys’ fees on your behalf!

foreclosure defense

At Swift Law North, we understand that falling behind on your mortgage payments is an overwhelming experience.  When your home—the foundation of your family—is at risk, you need someone whom you can trust on your side.  Rest assured, you are not alone.  At Swift Law North, we recognize the pitfalls homeowners encounter every day.  Many mortgage and servicing companies offer “help” in the form of discourteous service and conflicting information.  More often than not, you may fall victim to misleading or inaccurate information in their systems and repeated claims of lost paperwork you have already provided time and again.  Despite the games played by mortgage companies, your lender will have experienced attorneys representing them.  At Swift Law North, we believe you should too!

While facing a mortgage foreclosure lawsuit in Florida, properly exercising your legal rights may result in a substantial delay or could altogether prevent the foreclosure and ultimate sale of your home.  It is even possible that we may find that you have been a victim of fraudulent practices or other illegal conduct such as unlawful debt collection and erroneous credit reporting.  Your lender could have made mistakes, intentionally mislead or simply lied in order to make the most profit while taking advantage of your dream of owning your own home.

Have you been served with papers from a Florida circuit court?  When you receive a foreclosure complaint, time is critical, but your options are many.  We’re here to help with a strategic defense and sensible, novel approaches utilizing our knowledge of rapidly changing recent case law.  We are a local office who will help you navigate this complicated process by preparing a correctly filed response to the Complaint and Summons. We will detail all the defenses and counterclaims against your lender so you do not lose these critical defenses and claims if needed. Once we file a responsive pleading, your case is considered “contested” and your lender will be forced to file documents to prove their allegations forestalling them moving rapidly forward to enter a judgment against you and sell your home.  This is the critical time period where we can utilize our extensive skill in negotiating settlement agreements and explore if you may be eligible for any applicable government or other lender loan modification programs resulting in workable solutions specific to your case.

Personal bankruptcy may be another option available to you to keep you in your home.  We value your business and promise to take the time to explain all your potential options including short sale or deed in lieu of foreclosure.  Our knowledgeable staff will work alongside you determining the most advantageous plan forward whether you want to try to keep your home or walk away without burdensome debt.  Don’t wait!  Remember, we have 20 days to file a response or motion to dismiss!  Call now to schedule a free consultation and take advantage of our expertise in ensuring your legal rights are protected during this difficult time.

personal injury

If you have been injured by a negligent driver, slip and fall, or workplace accident, Swift Law North has the extensive litigation experience you need for success in bringing your claim.  We aggressively fight against tortfeasors and insurance companies to help you regain your life back, and our hope is to empower you with the financial means you will need moving forward.

Finding a law firm you can trust is imperative when you have been injured due to the willful or unintentional negligence of someone else.  Swift Law North will thoroughly explain your rights and will guide you—step by step—through the complicated process of litigating your personal injury claim.

Never rely on insurance companies who have a vested interest not to compensate you for your losses.  The law is an extremely intricate system to maneuver, and there is a limited amount of time under Florida law to file your lawsuit.  Swift Law North is here to guide you, and we are dedicated to protecting your rights.  Client-focused representation is our passion and at the heart of all cases we undertake.  By carefully listening to your concerns and valuing your voice, Swift Law North strives for excellence to achieve the best possible outcome for you and your case.  Every case is different, and we endeavor to work hard to meet your individual needs.

Swift Law North will fight for your lost wages, medical costs, damage to your car or personal items, and future medical bills.  We will also take swift action to seek fair compensation for any noneconomic damages such as pain and suffering, disfigurement, loss of enjoyment, and loss of consortium.  Swift Law North will work diligently and passionately on your behalf, and we will take your personal injury case on a contingency-fee basis.  In other words, there are no attorneys’ fees or costs unless we win.  Contact Swift Law North for a free consultation.

Consumer Protection

As a consumer, everyone is susceptible to the same attacks. Protection from creditors and agencies is necessary and the consumer should be able to uphold the protections granted to them by consumer law. Credit reporting, creditor harassment, collection defense, and foreclosure defense are top priorities at Swift Law North.