202.505.6631 [email protected]

How to Pull all 6 of your ACRs (Credit Reports)

Here are detailed instructions on how to pull each of your 6 main credit reports:

The Big 3 (Experian, Equifax, TransUnion)




NOTE: These reports can sometimes be difficult to get, so follow the exact process outlined in each of the links above. The process is always the same:

  1. First try getting the ACRs online.
  2. If online doesn’t work, next try calling them.
  3. If calling them doesn’t work, you’ll have to send in a request via physical mail.

If any of these reporting agencies gives you a summary online instead of a full report (they sometimes do this), send us the summary, and then complete the two remaining methods to try and get the full report (call, physical mail).

BOTTOM LINE: Try all three methods to get the credit reports from all 6 companies. If after trying all methods, some of the CRAs are still are only giving a summary (or nothing at all), document all instances where you tried to get the reports and it failed (screenshots, screen-records, etc.), as these are violations.

CAP Partners: Be sure to upload this evidence into your CAP Portal and include in the Consumer notes section an explanation as to why those specific credit reports are missing. Only after trying to collect the reports using all three methods mentioned above will we accept Consumer files with less than all 6 credit reports.